But what about a plug-n hybrid? Most consumers have heard that these cars are great too. Then, a person might ask him or herself, what exactly is a plug-hybrid? How do they work, and what's the difference between a plug-in hybrid and a regular hybrid anyway?
Plug-in hybrids are able to run solely on batteries, but they use fuel also
Hybrid cars travel just as many miles as a conventional car
Designed to go the extra mile where gas-mileage is concerned, hybrids can be driven on the highway, in cities, or wherever else a person needs to drive. On the other hand, plug-in hybrids are designed to handle commuter-type distances, meaning about twenty to sixty miles between destinations. This way, the plug-in hybrid does not have to use its back up combustion engine, but plug-in hybrids can go further using gas.
Hybrids help to minimize pollution, but they still pollute the air
When compared to plug-in hybrids, hybrid cars have a long ways to go where pollution is concerned. Since plug-in hybrid cars can run solely on their battery power, they don't have to emit fuel. That means that plug-in hybrids don't have to pollute the air.
Plug-in hybrids fight against greenhouse gases
Plug-in hybrids use virtually no imported oil. Board studies have shown that electric hybrids emit at least 67% lower greenhouse gases when compared to gasoline cars. Since the products used to power plug-in hybrids are renewable, the difference in greenhouse gases may be even greater than the study determined.
And there you have it. That's the difference between plug-in hybrids and regular hybrid cars. It makes a big difference, but you would be surprised how little that matters at the current moment. And that's only because plug-hybrids are not being sold to consumers at this time. But this list should get you excited about the wonderful plug-in hybrid car, coming soon to a dealer ship near you.
And it's going to be a great debut. People already really like regular hybrid cars, but they haven't seen anything until they see plug-in hybrid cars. But for now, maybe they should just be satisfied with what they have. Because who knows? Before plug-in hybrid cars come out, something even better might be introduced on the market.